Gallup Poll: Homeschooling Rate Doubles as School Satisfaction Plummets

Results of a new Gallup poll released last week may give us the sharpest look yet at how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted American education and what may lie ahead. According to the poll, parents’ overall satisfaction with their child’s education dropped 10 percent over last year, while at the same time the number of parents saying they will choose homeschooling doubled in 2020 to 10 percent.

Placing The Solutions Off-Limits

“How can we solve this or that problem? Oh, and you’re not allowed to change anything that matters! That would be crazy!”

Found somewhere on the internet


“How can we solve this or that problem? Oh, and you’re not allowed to change anything that matters! That would be crazy!”

How often do you see this kind of thing from statists? All the time? I do.


Back in the 70s, I catered to peer pressure.  I fired a guy because he wore bellbottoms to work.  I acquiesced to the firing of a young native woman because she got arrested at Wounded Knee for demonstrating.  I shudder to recall these events.

Ron Paul: The Untold Story of the Man Who Helped Inspire a New Generation of Liberty Lovers

If you’re under the age of 40 and you’re reading this, chances are very good that your interest in the liberty movement was sparked by three-time presidential candidate and veteran Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Paul inspired an entire generation of Libertarians, Constitutionalists and limited-government Conservatives with his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

Five Rules for Studying History

“History” is a product of human beings. History of the same events and people may be done (will be done) differently from generation to generation. Sometimes, due to advances in archaeology or new discoveries of old texts, history done 500 years after the fact will be better than history done 100 years later. Similarly, changes in dominant ideology might make later history less reliable than earlier historical works. Best to read histories from multiple perspectives and times.

Let’s Adapt to Something Positive

Humans are adaptable. More so than any creature other than, possibly, cockroaches. It’s our greatest strength. We have adapted to living almost everywhere on the planet and, soon, with the right technology — an adaptation we’ve created — off-planet, too. We’ve adapted to a different diet than our ancestors ate. In some cases, we probably…