Implicit and Structural Witchery

What are you supposed to do if you want to continue the good fight against social ills you’ve already practically driven to extinction?  Move the goalposts all the way to Mars.  These days, the world’s best detectives would struggle to find outright racists and sexists.  Yet implicit racism, structural racism, implicit sexism, and structural sexism will always be in plain sight, because the definition expands as the phenomenon contracts.

Latinx, Caring, Bridezillas, Awfulness Complicity, & College Degrees (33m) – Episode 376

Episode 376 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: Omnitree7 writes, “I really hate the term Latinx”; Zaroo77 writes, “People need to stop expecting others to care about everything”; caboose365 writes, “Brides & expecting mothers are given a pass by society to be terrible people and it needs to stop.”; Raspberry-Rare writes, “We should stop telling children ‘They can be whatever they want to be.’ They can’t.”; PianoMan1925 writes, “If you say things like ‘fuck the government, fuck the system’ but do absolutely nothing to try to change it, including not exercising your right to vote you are complicit in said system being awful”; edgyusername123 writes, “Beauty pageants should be illegal for anyone under 16. Maybe 18 even.”; and billyoceanfan writes, “Employers need to stop requiring college degrees for jobs that don’t need it”.

Fuck You, Facebook: I’m Leaving

Mark Zuckerberg was the first to create a program we now refer to as a social media network, and was thereby successful in establishing Facebook (more properly known now as Fascistbook) as the “industry standard.” When I first joined a decade ago, FB was relatively unfettered.  You could write and post freely, with little chance of being banned or censored. All of that, in more recent times, has changed dramatically.

Anarchist Praxis, Genocide, “Assist Police”, FBI Worried, & Freedom vs. Wealth (38m) – Episode 373

Episode 373 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: NecrosavroGutsfucker writes, “I think that if you for example havent not even once smashed the face of a racist , or afraid to join at least once a year an insurectionary event with anarchists or alone , you must not consider yourself an anarcho.”; Hollie Nyseth Brehm says, “People who commit genocide are not evil.”; @perri_goldstein writes (reddit), “Bringing a gun to a protest and saying you’re there to ‘assist police’ is like if I brought a scalpel to a hospital and said I’m there to ‘assist doctors.'”; BBC writes, “FBI worried that Ring doorbells are spying on police”; and s1monsys writes, “what if we dont realize it because we live relativity wealthy lives but if you look at where most of the money is held, its still a small group of extremely wealth people. We still have kings who send Fodder off to die. Nothings really changed we just are slightly more advanced.”

New Information Will Change Minds

My beliefs have changed since I was young. In every case, I believed I was right until new information made me change my mind. Afterward, I once again believed I was right until the next time something made me change my mind again. I never much regretted changing my mind, but I occasionally wished what I believed before had been right. The old belief was more comfortable or comforting than the new belief. If I could still believe what I believed before I wouldn’t have changed my belief.