Trading Places

“What protection teaches us, is to do to ourselves in time of peace what enemies seek to do to us in time of war.” –Henry George When Donald Trump can propose tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, washing machines, and solar-panels without being roundly booed off the stage, one has to wonder if reason has any…

Welfare & Open Borders, Jurisdiction and Violent Crimes, & #MeToo Backlash (35m) – Editor’s Break 063

Editor’s Break 063 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: immigration, open borders, and the welfare state, and why increasing immigration control is not a libertarian solution to the supposed problem of immigrants exploiting the welfare state, why jurisdiction matters on claims of statutes violations, even for violent crimes, his fear of backlash against women due to the #MeToo movement, and more.

Sexual Harassment: A Keyhole Solution

Firms should adopt the speed dating paradigm.  Let everyone secretly record their feelings, if any, for their co-workers.  If the feelings are unrequited, no one ever finds out.  If the feelings are mutual, however, both parties receive official confirmation.  And unless they edit their recorded preferences, they waive their right to complain about (or sue over) unwanted attention from whoever they explicitly approved.

Seasteading Thought Experiment

I find this scenario useful when considering any issue that involves being “captive” (more or less) to a geographic location. How much does this “captivity” allow others to control us or force us to make concessions to the will of others? For example, the issue of immigration, when considering this scenario, is seen as one of necessarily forcing fellow natives to live with either open borders or controlled borders.