Selfish Reasons for Civilized Behavior

The nihilist in me isn’t too interested in moralizing to my children about right and wrong. Yes, I believe in ethics and morality, but no, I do not believe that we are obligated to anyone but ourselves to be good and moral people. If we aren’t obligated to anyone but ourselves, then any reason why find to be good and moral must necessarily be selfish. Right? I think so. And after polling some friends on what they considered “civilized behavior,” here are some actions and the selfish reasons to perform them.

Parenting is Hard

That is a giant understatement. Parenting is big, important, magical, crushing, uplifting, ridiculous, fun, blissful, overwhelming and so many more adjectives. It’s a roller coaster of every possible emotion you can imagine, and a few you can’t imagine. Here is just one of my stories that illustrate a little bit of parenting madness with a sweet resolve.

POTUS Medius Ocris

I have opined for a very long time that there have been no above average POTUS’es.  The scorecard reads 45 incumbents, 45 ho-hummers.  Even great Americans, such as Jefferson, Cleveland, Coolidge, and Eisenhower barely got out of the office without serious repair work required on their reputations.