Maybe this isn’t a problem for you. Maybe you are perfectly willing to reward your child for good behavior until they move out, but for the rest of us, we want our children to want to be kind, to want to share, to want to help out around the house, to want to learn.
Author: Lyndsey Merrill
Parenting is Hard
That is a giant understatement. Parenting is big, important, magical, crushing, uplifting, ridiculous, fun, blissful, overwhelming and so many more adjectives. It’s a roller coaster of every possible emotion you can imagine, and a few you can’t imagine. Here is just one of my stories that illustrate a little bit of parenting madness with a sweet resolve.
The Problem With Obedience: Why You Really Don’t Want An Obedient Child
Wouldn’t it be nice if your children just did what you asked all the time? Do you ever have this thought? Of course you do! You have children. I have had the same thoughts (trust me), but when you really think about the long term consequences of obedience and how that looks in a relationship, you start to really question our culture’s parenting methods.
New Blog: Liberated Parenting
I am Lyndsey Merrill, mother of three free range children, peaceful parenting and child advocate, and author at Liberated Parenting.