How many times have you been minding your own business, just talking to other liberty lovers, when some statist troll pops up and says: “Show me how your imaginary anarchist society will work!” or some other version of “It can’t work!”
It happens to me all the time.
But, when I direct them to this blog, to my books, to my Dispatches from Libertopia blog, and to my website, they whine that they don’t want to read all that stuff. They won’t even bother to watch simple videos! It’s “too much” or not what they wanted to hear.
They don’t want links that would require them to lift a finger. Clicking is hard! And they might have to think!
Nope, they want to be spoonfed. They want everything to be written anew, just for them. And, of course, they won’t listen anyway, because they really just want to whine.