Nobody asked but …
I could not wait to share this link with you, 22 Messages of Hope (and Science) for Creationists, written by Ethan Siegel. This is where evidence and faith come together. This article shows to me the value of an examined life, from either side. And I will share here with you the passage that resonated in particular with my world view:
What purpose do you think you are here for if you do not believe in salvation?
I promised to be honest with you in answering these questions, and in this case, that means I’m very likely going to give you an answer that you aren’t going to be able to relate to. I believe that the purpose of my existence is to increase the knowledge, understanding, and awareness that we have of the world around us, as well as the amount of kindness in it. I don’t know if that is a worthy purpose of an existence, or if it is the one that a divine being intended — if one exists and if that being has an intention for me — but it is one I have chosen for myself. If, at the end of my life, I discover there is some form of salvation, perhaps I will have earned it by living the best life I was able to live. If not, I lived a life true to the purpose I chose for myself. [emphasis added]