Jason’s Journey, and Challenging Ideas (1h2m) – Episode 082

Episode 082 welcomes Jason Marlow to the podcast for a challenging conversation with Skyler. Topics include: Being born in Brazil, Rush Limbaugh conservatism, Ron Paul and libertarianism, personal responsibility, what makes good neighbors, self-segregation, forced integration, political anthropology, the state as an ever-present hungry dragon and how to deal with it, importance of cultural collectives against the dragon, looking beyond libertarianism, Western civilization, the human story, ingroup privilege, and the European migrants.

Brent’s Journey (1h14m) – Episode 081

Episode 081 welcomes Brent Mayberry to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics covered include: growing up in Arizona, his father’s medical doctor credentials from Mexico, public school, three different college majors including economics, LDS mission to Argentina, serving in the Army National Guard as a staunch Conservative, being deployed in Africa near Somalia (Djibouti), journey to voluntaryism, his wife and kids, being a stay-at-home unschooling dad, screen time, influencing others, Utah Patients Coalition, and more.

Anarchist Mom Krista’s Journey (1h29m) – Episode 080

Episode 080 welcomes Krista Norton to the podcast for a chat with Skyler and Morgan. Topics covered include: being a regular mom and radical anarchist, her need and enjoyment of structure (school), her diplomatic and dual nature, obsessive compulsive lite, balancing both sides of oneself (gray Jedi), conservatism to libertarianism, “What gives you the right?”, 2012 election and Ron Paul, Bastiat and The Law, reconciling opposing beliefs, embracing the anarchist label, the pledge of allegiance, Mormon patriotism, and more.

Episode 079 – Unschooled Faber Brothers’ Journey (1h37m)

Episode 079 welcomes Justin and Joshua Faber to the podcast to chat with Skyler and Morgan. The Faber Brothers, and several other siblings, grew up as de facto unschoolers, without ever knowing that term. Topics include: their large family, their Facebook video series titled All This with Aldous created with Morgan, growing up unschooling, their experience learning to read, being free range on several acres of forest, going to high school and the surreality of schooling, why school is prison, the origins of their voluntaryist political beliefs, the US Constitution, and much, much more.