Episode 078 – Mish’s Journey (1h43m)

Episode 078 welcomes Mish Ochu to the podcast to chat with Skyler about his journey to voluntaryism. Topics include: Being born and partially raised in Nigeria, the entrepreneurship of his parents, immigrating to London, his parents being pursued by the Nigerian government solely because of their wealth, immigrating to the United States and landing in Austin, Texas, private to public schools, libertarian/anarchist seeds, college years, starting a professional essay writer business to help other college students,  moving to Houston, Texas, teaching himself to code, being apolitical, jury nullification, deer ass slapping, active listening, playful parenting, Stefan Molyneux, meeting his wife, getting married, having kids, and circumcision.

Episode 077 – Jordan’s Journey (1h11m)

Episode 077 welcomes Jordan Vaughn Neal to the podcast to chat with Skyler about his journey to voluntaryism. Topics include: golf, the anarchy in cooperative games, Facebook discussions/debates, being Canadian and dual citizenship, public school in Canada, his parents’ careers, moving to the United States, complete disinterest in high school, LDS mission to East Germany and the libertarian seeds that were planted, his passion for computer science and programming, a Society Security law firm job he held, Stefan Molyneux’ influence on his libertarianism and peaceful parenting, the War on Drugs, overcoming biases, subjective theory of value and economic thinking, and his wife and his commitment to radical unschooling.

Episode 076 – Chris’s Journey (1h40m)

Episode 076 welcomes Chris Jenkins to the podcast to discuss his journey to voluntaryism, with Skyler and Morgan. The topics covered include: Cash Flow, the game, the Robert Kiyosaki and Jeff Berwick encounter, his paralegal career, his K-12 public schooling experience and being labeled slow, forced into Resource classes and not allowed out, his complete disinterest in all things school, his LDS mission to Philadelphia and Dover, his wife and kids, their schooling experience, his neo-conservative days during the 2008 election, first paying attention to Ron Paul in 2012, his interest in affiliate marketing, becoming a libertarian in 2012 and an anarchist in 2013-2014, the attacks he suffered by the City of Bountiful over his rental property, why having people close to you with different opinions can make for enlightening discussions, and his favorite podcasts.

Episode 075 – Russ’s Journey, Part Two: Learning to Read by Sight (1h2m)

Episode 075 welcomes Russ Fugal to the podcast in a two part conversation with Skyler and Morgan. The topics covered in this second part include his background as a reader, cryptography and peer 2 peer technology, mathematics and his desire to make it simple for his children, cognitive development on how we count, why people are born with the ability to count to 4, the language he developed early on to count in base 4, a conversation on base 10, base 12, and base 60, origin of Roman numerals, his daughter’s stronger interest in reading than in mathematics, switching tracks from mathematics to reading development, how children teach themselves to read, speed reading, Chinese characters and reading, his new program called EAR (Engaged Aided Reading), why phonics is a crutch to fluency, reading well is reading by sight, not by phonics, why are brains are good at pattern recognition, the development of his mobile app based on EAR and sight reading, and his hopeful presentation in the SXSW 2018 conference.

Episode 074 – Russ’s Journey, Part One: Politics (51m)

Episode 074 welcomes Russ Fugal to the podcast in a two part conversation with Skyler and Morgan. The topics covered in this first part include smartphones, career moves, Russ’s childhood homeschooling, his unchanging degree of conservatism during the 9/11 crisis period, Ron Paul and the 2008 and 2012 elections, environmentalism, his evolution toward libertarianism and anarchism, “Who would Jesus incarcerate?”, voluntary prisons, and the country’s Wizard of Oz moment c/o of Donald Trump.