The Boys are Back in Town! (1h29m) – Episode 092

Episode 092 welcomes Skyler’s oldest friends Chase Steffensen and Rob Alvord for a reunion chat. Topics include: free market libraries, favorite podcasts, growing up together, Rob’s band Fat Candice, the history of voluntaryism, cryptocurrency and Heleum, unschooling, Harry Potter, adolescents, Ron Paul, objectivism, buddhist meditation, atheism, the psychology of cults, trespassing as a hobby, Free to Choose, and much more!

Christian’s Journey, Future Unschooling Dad (1h10m) – Episode 091

Episode 091 welcomes Christian Vander Veur to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: voluntaryist dating, Republican Mormon upbringing, post-mission blues, religion and atheistic agnosticism, the possibilities of an afterlife, his plans to unschool his future children, many of Skyler’s experiences with unschooling his kids, peaceful parenting, and more.

Ian’s Journey, Communal Living, & Nonviolent Communication (1h10m) – Episode 090

Episode 090 welcomes Ian Mayes to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: libertarian socialism / post-left anarchism and voluntaryism, Max Stirner and egoism, authoritarian parenting, “Taking Children Seriously” movement, living in egalitarian communes, intentional communities, nonviolent communication, Carl Rogers, ideological meetups, trademark-based censorship, Star Trek, and much more.

Corey’s Journey (1h35m) – Episode 089

Episode 089 welcomes Corey Christiansen to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: video gaming and their business models, Amazon Prime, Google’s Project Fi, cell phone norms in Europe, taking risks growing up, rock climbing, sibling’s politics, political simulations in school, anarchist dating, digital rights management, Ron Paul, celebritarians, quality vs. quantity in production, his soon-to-launch student loan refinance consulting business.

Jesse’s Journey, and Electoral Activism (1h36m) – Episode 088

Episode 088 welcomes Jesse Riddle to the podcast for a chat with Skyler about why he strongly believes that libertarians and anarchists should participate in the electoral process. Topics include: Libertarian Party politics and growing up in Indiana, alcohol laws in Indiana and Utah, unschooling and peaceful parenting, the purpose of life, his reasons for participating in the electoral process as a libertarian anarchist, Utah’s Libertas Institute, Letters to the Editor, and more.

Thoughts on “Me Too” and Sexual Assault (44m) – Episode 086

Episode 086 welcomes Jessica Burden back to the podcast to chat with Skyler about the “Me too” campaign going around Facebook, designed to increase awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault. They discuss the ways bad parenting practices create and contribute to these problems, the responsibilities of everybody in not hurting other people, and in protecting themselves, what parents can teach not only their sons, but also their daughters, in preparation for dealing with these problems, and many more related topics.

Alex’s Journey, and Writing Fiction (1h21m) – Episode 085

Episode 085 welcomes Alex Knight, III to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: large print books, becoming a fiction writer, his rock bands, growing up in the Northeast United States, his parents, political awareness as a teen, marijuana legalization, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, Harry Browne, Marc Stevens and his No State Project, thoughts on veganism, dating as an anarchist, libertarian themed short stories, and Netflix recommendations.

Jessica’s Journey (1h20m) – Episode 084

Episode 084 welcomes Jessica Burden to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: books, living in Washington State, Facebook diplomacy, free range childhood, public school to homeschool to unschool, and back to public school, raising her younger brother, learning responsibility from a young age, meeting her husband through an online dating website, practicing several different parenting philosophies at once, the benefits of multi-generational households, unschoolers considering school, parental displays of affection, our growing children and the forthcoming teen years, !Kung san bushmen parenting, her availability for anyone, especially women, for counseling on having babies and body image.

The Association for Teaching Kids Economics (35m) – Episode 083

Episode 083 welcomes Thomas Bogle back to the podcast to talk about his new organization, “The Association for Teaching Kids Economics”. Topics include: The Tuttle Twins by Connor Boyack, illustrated by Elijah Stanfield, teaching economics, liberty, and free markets to kids, why teachers fear teaching economics in primary school, “mainline” economics, Leonard Read’s “I, Pencil” and The Lego Movie, Tom’s search for sponsors and personnel in each state to aid introduction and expansion, Socratic method based curriculum, CinemaSins, and the classroom ambassadors program.