Defining a Free Society

Guest post by Brian Lobb. What is a “free society”? Some people think that having economic freedom while controlling others socially is freedom. On the opposite side, certain folks think that having social freedom while controlling their neighbors’ pocketbook is freedom. Neither stance is freedom when you really break it down. To have a truly…

What it Means to be an Anarcho-Capitalist

Guest post by Stephan Kinsella. Originally published at, January 20th, 2004. Butler Shaffer’s recent LRC article, What is Anarchy?, prompted discussion on the Reason blog and inspired me to set down a few ideas I’ve also had along these lines. Libertarian opponents of anarchy are attacking a straw man. Their arguments are usually utilitarian…

Laying Hands on the Sacred

“Just as the schoolmen philosophized only inside the belief of the church…without ever throwing a doubt upon this belief; as authors fill whole folios on the State without calling in question the fixed idea of the State itself, as our newspapers are crammed with politics because they are conjured into the fancy that man was…

Equality’s Greatest Enemy

Kevin Carson writes about how coercion always creates inequality. And if you didn’t already know, the state’s very existence depends on and is maintained by coercion. Therefore, the state is naturally an enemy of equality. Remember that before bowing down to the state to ask for it’s help in bringing about equality. Also remember that…

End of the Nation-State

Doug Casey hits a home run with this article at LRC. Yes, the Nation-State is illegitimate and evil, and as more people come to that realization, directly via education or indirectly via counter-economies, the sooner it joins it’s brothers, Monarchy and Communism, in the ash-heap of history. The day can’t come soon enough. In the…

Voluntary Marriage

A US federal appeals court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconsitutional. Big deal! I rule the entire federal government unethical and immoral. The state has no business existing; therefore, it has no business licensing or regulating marriage. And therein lies the first step. Get the state, at all levels, out of the marriage business.…