Ask A Different Question

Editor’s Pick. Written by Liberty. Libertarians are regularly asked questions about how a libertarian country would solve a certain social problem. That whole idea is a bit ridiculous but there is a quick solution to just about everyone of those questions. Questions that are asked are generally leading towards a statist solution. Despite the poor…

The Economics of Profiling

Editor’s Pick. Written by Walter Williams. Police Capt. Louis Renault, played by Claude Rains in the 1942 movie “Casablanca,” in the wake of the shooting of a Nazi officer, ordered his men to “round up the usual suspects.” Was Renault engaging in some sort of profiling? He may have been, but what is profiling? Let’s…

There Is No Political Solution

Editor’s Pick. Written by Michael Suede. In the end, there are only technological solutions. That means you don’t have to worry about politics as long as technology keeps progressing. Politics is a problem. Technology finds ways of eliminating problems.. ALL problems. Got a problem moving things? Man invents the wheel. Got a problem adding things?…

Intellectual Property Cannot Be Property

Editor’s Pick. Written by Joseph Diedrich. What is property? More specifically, at its essential theoretical core, beyond the artifice of legal fiat, what is property? Somewhat broadly, property is anything that satisfies each of the following requirements: property is scarce; property possesses objective (intersubjectively ascertainable) borders; and property has a determinable temporal genesis. The theory…