Bitcoin and Unbreakable Law

Editor’s Pick. Written by Jacob Lyles. Imagine that you were entertaining a business deal with a man with an supernatural ability to make two kinds of promises: 1) promises that are impossible for him to break and 2) ordinary, breakable promises. Why would you accept anything other than the unbreakable promises from him? If he…

The Economics of Bitcoin

Editor’s Pick. Written by Robert Murphy. Bitcoin is an ingenious peer-to-peer “virtual” or “digital currency” that challenges the way economists have traditionally thought about money. Its inbuilt scarcity provides an assurance of purchasing power arguably safer than any other system yet conceived. But to understand these claims, one must first understand the basics of Bitcoin.…

Bitcoin: The Tyranny Test

Editor’s Pick. Written by Paul Rosenberg. An increasing number of people have complained about governments and central banks in recent years, even using the word “tyranny” to describe them. They are, of course, called names in the establishment press: conspiracy theorists, mainly. Calling someone a name, however, does not erase their argument (at least not…

The Ideal of Informed Consumerism

Editor’s Pick. Written by Connor Boyack. The government destroys informed consumerism when they prevent … consumers from making their own choices and reaping whatever consequences may come. A state that treats its citizens like adults must step out of the way and allow them to ingest what they please, provided nobody else’s rights are violated…

Freedom Paradise Found

Editor’s Pick. Written by Jack Wheeler. Edinburgh-of-the-Seven-Seas, Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. Welcome to the most isolated community on the planet, on the world’s remotest inhabited island. Named after the Portuguese captain who discovered it in 1506, Tristão da Cunha, it is 1,736 miles from Africa, and 2,466 miles from South America. The nearest…