Mere possession of anything can’t be a krime. There must be possession plus… something. What “something”? To be a krime there has to be possession plus archation–possession plus an act which violates someone, and mere possession doesn’t. It can’t.
Possession is passive. Believing this violates someone is basically the same as believing offending someone violates them– it’s like believing in “microaggressions”. No one has a right to not be offended, and no one has the right to prohibit mere possession of something.
This was the realization which long ago ended my support of the War on Drugs; which made me realize it was really the stupid and evil War on Politically Incorrect Drugs.
But then I thought and considered this from every angle for a decade or two and finally came to realize it didn’t end there. Mere possession of anything doesn’t violate anyone, ever. I keep trying to think of a way to passively archate– violate someone in some real way without acting– and I haven’t yet.
For possession of anything anywhere to be archation you have to have possession plus. Plus a credible threat to archate. Plus aggression. Plus theft. Plus radiation or some other active dispersal of something physically harmful onto another person or their private property. Plus something. Because mere possession isn’t a violation of anyone’s rights.
Just one example, concerning a hypothetical freedom of religion scenario:
You can possess any religious beliefs you want. You can possess those beliefs wherever you go, even when on the private property of someone with different religious beliefs. This is passive. No one can possibly be violated by your religion– no matter what it is– until you put your beliefs into action by actually doing something; by no longer passively possessing those beliefs, but by acting them out. By whipping them out and waving them around, as it were. You can be banned from performing rituals on someone else’s property, but they can’t reasonably (or ethically) ban you from passively possessing religious beliefs they oppose while on their property. It’s just none of their business.