On Prejudice

On a fundamental level, prejudice means “to form prior judgment” and we are all prejudice toward some things. I have already formed the judgment that tigers are dangerous prior to meeting one along my jungle path, for example. When our prior judgments concern other people based on the color of their skin, this is called “racial prejudice” and is generally frowned upon within the society that currently occupies the same continent as myself.

On Sex II

Here’s another thought experiment: An experienced and wealthy movie executive requires that male actors who want a part in one of her movies to have sex with her. In your opinion, is this as much of a scandal as a male movie executive requiring the same of female actors?

On Schooling

It’s no surprise to you I’m sure that I am not a fan of the institution of schooling. Among other things, I very much dislike the double threat of coercion that it engages in, which are the use of punishments to encourage desirable behaviors, and the use of manipulation, that is, telling children that without school they will be stupid.