Private Property Rights Made the First Thanksgiving Possible

When they came to America, the pilgrims decided to share everything. The governor of Plymouth Colony, William Bradford, wrote that the pilgrims thought “taking away of property and [making it communal]…would make them happy and flourishing.” Food and supplies were distributed based on need. Pilgrims would not selfishly produce food for themselves. In other words, they, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) and many American young people today, fell in love with the idea of socialism. The result was ugly.

Conserve Your Sympathies, Fight Your Own Battles

As has not been lost on many modern-day libertarians, the ancient Greek and Roman Stoics counselled – among many other things – that since the vast majority of occurrences we encounter in life are matters beyond our control, it only makes rational sense to disregard such goings-on, and focus exclusively on those things which are of immediate concern to us, and fall within our own sphere of personal influence.

Rigged Political Language

It’s an old trick: gain advantage over others by hiding one’s meaning behind euphemisms and other forms of linguistic camouflage and misdirection. People do this in all walks of life, but politicians make careers of it. If they engage in straight talk at all, it is by far the exception. The journalist Michael Kinsley defined a gaffe as “when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”