Leftists Are Toxic Lunatics

… a little recent repartee from Quora: Is socialism when the government does stuff? Alex Knight BA from Union Institute & University Answered Feb 24 “Government itself is socialism. It does not rely upon market forces, but coercive force in order to secure its financing. It then imposes (not provides) “services” (many of which would…

A Taxing Day

I think they have done it.  The politicians have employed confusion, as they did with Covid19, to befuddle completely the victims who support them.  Do you know, in any sane metric, how far in debt you are individually, or in collectives such as “we the people” or future generations?

The Collapse of “Peace and Security” For Freedom and Responsibility

In the past, man was often stupid, but rarely constantly dumbfounded, and often immoral, but rarely constantly demoralized. In other words, the main problem of today’s man is not his degradation, but the learned passivity and the unawareness of being its victim; and the only effective solution to this problem is not “peace and security” but freedom and responsibility.

The Ironclad Argument Against Racism

Being labelled a “racist” is scary. If you scour the Internet, you will find a few confessed racists. For the most part, though, “racism” is a doctrine we ascribe to others in order to damn and ostracize them. The strange result: While we hear endless debates about whether a person, idea, or practice is “racist,” we rarely hear arguments against racism itself. Arguments of the form, “Racism is wrong because…”