Alito’s Challenge to Libertarians

In his recently leaked first draft of an opinion that would reverse the abortion-rights cases Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gives Americans a choice between judges who read their personal preferences into the Constitution and judges who recognize only rights that they find “rooted in [our] history and tradition” and deem “essential to our Nation’s ‘scheme of ordered Liberty.’” Is that it? Neither choice seems an adequate safeguard for individual freedom.

Lying to Congress Isn’t a Crime Because Their Laws Don’t Apply

The following conversion is a bit weird and a bit ironic, but it demonstrates the thinking that typifies “normies” who accept the state and it’s jurisdiction as a given, who have never tried challenging it “theoretically”, or not. My first comment was in reply to an article titled, “Five U.S. lawmakers accuse Amazon of possibly lying to Congress following Reuters report” shared to r/technology on Reddit. Enjoy!