Court Dates

Nobody asked but …  The judge was pleasant, but she ate my lunch, kicked my tail, and showed me the door.  I was there petitioning to be the administrator of my Father’s estate, as was indelibly requested in his will.  This is the third time in my life of seventy plus years that I have…

Regarding Stefan

Nobody asked but … In an earlier post, I may have come across as a bit peevish about Stefan Molyneux.  Let me hasten to put that into context.  I am in disagreement, specifically, with Stefan’s treatment of the events in Ferguson, Missouri.  If time permits in the future, I may tell you why.  But here’s…

Organized Lying

Nobody asked but … As long as government functionaries have complete discretion over secrecy, why would even a babe in arms or uneducated wretch be so foolish as to give them trust?  I was graciously informed by my freshman composition professor that any occurrence of journalism which might coincide with truth and/or fact was the…

Principles Cannot Fail

Nobody asked but … From Facebook today, this self-serving, self-congratulation from the “liberty wing” of the GOP: A lot of libertarians are coming face to face with the failure of the Non Aggression Principal. Some are pretty traumatized. Some realize that maybe they need to reevaluate their definition of self. — Dave Nalle Here’s my…

The Wages of the State

Nobody asked but … Somebody posted a meme on the Web stating that Senators make in the neighborhood of 170 dollars an hour but many of them voted against a minimum wage around $10 per hour.  Firstly, they shouldn’t be setting either wage level because, secondly, they have demonstrated that they don’t know much about…

Bad Ideas

Nobody asked but … Lily Tomlin posed the difficulty, “I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else.”  The same could be said about a jillion bad ideas.  United Nations?  Allying with Joseph Stalin?  The TSA?  The NSA?  The Iraq War.  Don’t you worry that the current incarnation of…