Re: Criminal Disarmament

Parrish, I’m curious if there’s anything in libertarian punishment theory that would justify a victim, or victim’s agent, using force to keep her assailant disarmed. Off the cuff, if the crime is “gun disarmament,” then wouldn’t both estoppel and proportionality justify forcible gun disarmament of the criminal? That seems compatible with libertarian punishment theory. Another…

Re: Minarchy

Kilgore, here’s Amanda’s post in full: This is the last argument I will direct toward self-professed “minarchists”. After that, I have no more time for reactionaries or reformers. The free society offers too many exciting prospects for me to continue to waste time. The constant minarchist refrain is this: “Life, liberty and property. Life, liberty…

Re: Nature of Evil

Alex, very interesting article. In his conclusion, the author writes, “The longer we cling to strong beliefs about the existence of pure evil, the more aggressive and antisocial we become.” I would say that that has very important implications for voluntaryism as it concerns parenting. I understand that spanking and other forms of involuntary discipline…