An EVC Podcast!

I’m super excited to announce the launch of the Podcast, hosted by yours truly and Phil Eger. Phil’s a fellow voluntaryist unschooler in the Salt Lake valley and offered his recording expertise to help spread awareness of the topics covered at EVC. We recorded our first episode last night. It will be made available…

Wage Slavery

Manuel Amador smashes the idea that because nature compels a man to work a crappy job, he is a wage slave to his boss. I would add, that to the extent that the other choices listed in Amador’s rebuttal are coercively prohibited by third party individuals either working for government or not, or coercively made…

Re: Collectives

Kilgore, true, but we mustn’t forgot the Law of Comparative Advantage, as discovered by David Ricardo. When each specializes in what they’re best at, and trades it for what they need, more is produced then when each tries to produce everything they need themselves. This doesn’t contradict what you wrote, that collectives can’t produce more than…