The True Criminals

Some people refuse to mince words. They insist that individuals who enter the USA without the national government’s approval are criminals. Consider, however, that the U.S. government has no constitutional authority whatsoever over immigration, only over naturalization.

In Spite of Threats

On any given day, even in a world pervaded by states and their dictates, nearly everything that people do or refrain from doing is so not because the state threatens them with violence for acting otherwise, but because they find conformity with rules — honesty, promise keeping, careful handling of goods, avoidance of opportunism, and so forth — to be in their interest.

Serving Their Own Interests

Tremendous amounts of time and effort go into exposing the hypocrisy of particular politicians or political parties. But really, amigos, no one with even a passing familiarity with politics expects consistency from these persons and their umbrella institutions. Looking for a principled stance from them? Lots of luck with that.