Two Worlds—Politics and Everything Else

Political discourse itself is enough to make even a person of moderate intelligence run away screaming. So much ignorance is on display, so much viciousness, so much ill-disguised envy and malevolence, such unscrupulous attempts to take what belongs to other people and redirect it to those who have no just right to it. The stupidity, therefore, is not only an inability to connect real causes and effects, but also moral stupidity, an inability to do what is obviously right and decent, as opposed to predatory and criminal, albeit legal.

They Love Their Chains

The great majority of the American people are oppressed and abused by their governments. But if you imagine that some group of revolutionaries undertook to overthrow these governments, it’s perfectly obvious that this same oppressed and abused portion of the people would overwhelmingly support and assist the merciless crushing of the revolt.

By Leaving People Alone

Questions: How will children be educated? How will people get health care? How will business fluctuations be prevented or moderated? How will people get personal security? How will people receive income when they can no longer work? How will the society’s distressed and disabled receive support and care?