Rowdy Kids, Historical Moral Judgments, & Legacy Media Sensationalism (26m) – Episode 299

Episode 299 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinions: Larrysbirds writes, “If you can’t control your kid at a public place, then go home”; SatoshiSounds writes, “Criticising historical figures by today’s moral standards is like criticising 70s computers for being slow”; and pathemar writes, “US mass media should carry some of the blame for contributing to this culture of fear.”

On Parenting

An insight I had recently is on who we are raising as parents. We are not raising children, rather, we are raising adults. Childhood is a very small part of life for us. It only constitutes the first 15 years, or so. The importance of this insight, that we are raising adults, is a reminder that how we engage with our children and the behavior we model will determine the type of adults that they will become.

Hate Speech, Property Destruction, Demonization, & Natural Rights (27m) – Episode 298

Episode 298 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: zarthrag writes, “Hate, and any of its manifestations is against the NAP. Hate speech isn’t just speech, it’s a form of aggression”; ShambhalaOrangeJuice writes, “People have a right to destroy chain buildings… because that is a part of the establishment which has oppressed them without respite”; CTR555 writes, “As far as I’m concerned, there are two types of people in America: people who vote for the Democratic nominee, and bad people”; and JimJam28 writes, “I don’t believe there is a ‘creator’ who endowed us with rights. There are no rights in nature. We decide as a society what rights should exist and how to properly protect those rights.”