The Trap of Niceness

Many libertarians try to err on the side of niceness. I think that’s praiseworthy. It’s nice to be nice. But, what worries me is that misplaced niceness makes the bad guys believe that they really aren’t doing anything all that bad. If no one is willing to call you out on what you’re doing, then it must not really…

Racist “Libertarian” Nationalists

A Facebook group I was recently added to, with “libertarian” in the name, seems to mostly be a hangout for “white supremacists/nationalists” who want to pretend their stance is somehow “libertarian“. One recent post in the group claimed that since “94% of libertarians” are “white”, a libertarian best serves his/her own interests by making sure to only do business with “white-owned” businesses.

Skool vs Education

For a sizeable percentage of people, school doesn’t “work”. Not if you expect it to result in education, anyway. I’ve mentioned before that many of my relatives work at government schools. One has recently retired, but has shifted into being a “substitute teacher”. His recent experiences are enlightening.