“The Science is Settled” is Religion, Not Science

People who trust science– as a method and not as a religion– understand this limitation. It’s why they don’t demand political action based on their observations. They might give you advice they believe to be important, but they won’t suggest using the violence of the state against you if you don’t take that advice.

I just can’t believe that people who claim to be “listening to the science” or “trusting science” are still supporting shutdowns and mask mandates. That’s the opposite of trusting or doing science. It shows a lack of understanding of what…

Glub, Glub, Glub…

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

Who do you want conducting the orchest…

Costs are Worth Living in Liberty

The continuing hysteria over COVID-19 reminds me of the website warning of the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO). The website correctly points out that DHMO is found in all our food, sometimes as an additive; we’ve all been exposed. It’s found in many dangerous compounds and in cancerous tumors. It kills thousands yearly.