Being Neighborly and Responsible

I may have mentioned that we have a lot of wind here. Yesterday was one of those blustery days. But today wasn’t bad, so this afternoon I got out and was picking up some of the trash that always ends up in my yard, snagged on cacti, mesquite, and yucca, and just lying on the ground where it happened to stop.

I may have mentioned that we have a lot of wind here. Yesterday was one of those blustery days. But today wasn’t bad, so this afternoon I got out and was picking up some of the trash that always ends up in my yard, snagged on cacti, mesquite, …

War is Never Optimal

I don’t want war. I don’t think any sane person does, even when they accept it might be inevitable.

I don’t want war. I don’t think any sane person does, even when they accept it might be inevitable.I’m not talking about invading a country on the other side of the planet to “bring them democracy” or some other dumb thing like that. I’m talking ab…