Authoritarian Sociopathy

Editor’s Pick. Written by Davi Barker. Many anarchists and libertarians eagerly study the psychology of tyrants in an effort to know their enemy in the battlefield of politics. Getting into the minds of our enemy is regarded as a strategy, a means to our political ends… which is an end to political means. However, I…

Unapologetic Anarchism

Editor’s Pick. Written by Alex R. Knight, III. The most obvious question that never gets asked is: “What, pray tell, makes you believe that those who call themselves government – those whose very livings are derived from stolen and extorted loot (taxes), are themselves more heavily armed than anyone else, and are responsible for every…

Holding on to Collectivized Security

Editor’s Pick. Written by Shawn Gregory. As an anarchist, I am accustomed to getting grief from conservatives, progressives, and Statists of other stripes, but among libertarians, I occasionally get significant grief from those with whom should otherwise be on much friendlier terms: minarchists. Generally speaking, there are two types of minarchists. The first kind of…

Nonviolent Resistance is Not Futile

Editor’s Pick. Written by Benett Freeman (original). Some thoughts on resistance… 1. Individual, isolated acts of resistance – whether violent or not – cannot bring about an end to industrial civilisation or any aspect of the incumbent paradigm. 2. With sufficient (majority) support, the sheer weight of popular, non-violent, resistance will be enough to depose…

Rethinking Tattling

Editor’s Pick. Written by L. R. Knost. Few things irritate adults as quickly as a tattle-tale. The kneejerk response is often “Stop tattling!” or “Handle it yourself!” or even to shame (heard of the ‘Get Along Shirt’ where parents force their squabbling children into close bodily contact with one another instead of helping them to…