Are Your Dreams Keeping up with You?

Whenever you follow a dream, it leads to new observations, discoveries, and relationships.

These experiences will modify your sense of what is possible and what is preferable.

To chase after a dream is to undertake a surprising and challenging process of personal transformation.

It’s impossible to act on your dreams while remaining identical to the person you were when you took the first step.

For this reason, dreams need to be upgraded in order to account for the evolution we undergo when dreams are pursued.

Who we are is always changing. Why should our dreams remain the same?

Follow your dreams, but don’t forget to let your dreams follow you.

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TK Coleman is the Education Director for Praxis. He has coached dozens of young people and top performers from all stages of life. He’s the author of hundreds of articles and is a frequent speaker on education, entrepreneurship, freedom, personal growth, and creativity. TK is a relentless learner, has been involved in numerous startups, and has professional experience ranging from the entertainment to financial services industries and academia. Above all else, TK is on a mission to help people embrace their own power and expand their own possibilities.