Yo Don’t Have To be Selfless In a Crisis- Just Be Useful

Want to help your neighbors during the COVID-2019 coronavirus pandemic?

You don’t necessarily have to do it for free. Some of the most useful people will be people who are doing remunerative work.

There are nurses and doctors, yes. But there are also sanitation workers, engineers, truck drivers, electricians, farmers, mechanics, and countless others who in the course of doing their jobs will be helping out. Even Instacart delivery-persons will be performing a vital service for people isolated at home.

People like this guy will be making your comfortable quarantine – or your long, slow recovery from illness – possible:

These people aren’t “selfless.” They’re making money AND they’re providing value to address human needs. We should all hope to be so lucky as to be able to do both.

This crisis may bring many charitable people to think that only non-profit or full-volunteer work are acceptable responses. But a great many jobs and business opportunities exist that practically address the needs of pandemic prevention and recovery. For those of us not thrilled at the idea of watching Netflix, this is an interesting way out.

Originally published at JamesWalpole.com.

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James Walpole is a writer, startup marketer, intellectual explorer, and perpetual apprentice. He opted out of college to join the Praxis startup apprenticeship program and currently manages marketing and communications at bitcoin payment technology company BitPay. He writes daily at jameswalpole.com.