To Stand on Your Own

It takes an unbelievable amount of courage to stand on your own, to unschool your children, to refuse to pay taxes, to practice civil disobedience, to hike the Pacific Coast Trail or the Appalachian Trail, to write in the box when a statist form states “Do not write in this box,” to go to the Moon, to face the Denali Wilderness, to travel the world in earnest, to march to the beat of a different drummer.

UPDATED March 2018: The Homeschooling and Liberty Podcast

I am very pleased to announce The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, and continues through the end of the month. It is an absolute honor to be involved in something of this magnitude, along with so many giants in the liberty and unschooling world. Ron Paul, Peter Gray, Pat Farenga, Pam Laricchia, Tom Woods, Thaddeus Russell, Scott Noelle, Skyler Collins, and the list goes on!