Toward a Voluntaryist Praxis

Guest post by Nicholas Hooton.“When philosophy dies, action begins.” – Casey Maddox The overwhelming resurgence of interest in voluntaryist philosophy over the past five years has been inspiring to witness. It enjoyed a brief spotlight in the early 1980s with Carl Watner’s publication of The Voluntaryist newsletter; but the communication technology of the early 21st…

Defining a Free Society

Guest post by Brian Lobb. What is a “free society”? Some people think that having economic freedom while controlling others socially is freedom. On the opposite side, certain folks think that having social freedom while controlling their neighbors’ pocketbook is freedom. Neither stance is freedom when you really break it down. To have a truly…

Voluntary Marriage

A US federal appeals court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconsitutional. Big deal! I rule the entire federal government unethical and immoral. The state has no business existing; therefore, it has no business licensing or regulating marriage. And therein lies the first step. Get the state, at all levels, out of the marriage business.…