The Danger of Discipline without Direction

The value of finishing a task is relative to what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. If finishing a task makes you a better human being and you genuinely believe that it’s the right choice for you, then you should finish what you started even it’s uncomfortable. If sticking with a task robs you of your time, your money, your health, your joy, or anything else that really matters to you, then it’s self-defeating to keep going merely for the sake of proving to others that you’re a disciplined person.

On Pushing Boundaries

Boundaries are useful toward the goal of protecting what’s considered valuable. What people, places, things, ideas, and customs a person values is likely the result of both their nature as human beings and their nurture as being raised in a particular socio-cultural and economic environment. Often the boundaries we encounter as we explore our world are not set as we would like them, and so we push against them.

What Taxation Means

There is certainly no shortage of libertarian types who will gladly tell why they believe that the practice of taxation amounts to robbery or extortion. Likewise for those who will tell you why they believe that the practice of taxation is good and necessary. Personally, I side with the former belief that the practice of taxation is illicit and criminal. But let’s look at it another way, shall we?

Economic Systems Transform Culture, Not Vice-Versa

I think capitalism is purely an accident, usually it doesn’t start. There have been several point in history where centralized control collapsed but markets still operated. In that period of time, no one was able to grab the reigns of power but peaceful transactions were highly profitable. Later, philosophers came in and acted like they were leading the parade. In short, I think the enlightenment explanation is wrong.