What’s Wrong With Free Money?

One of the scams pushed by the soulless parasites is the notion of “universal basic income” or “UBI”: the idea that, just as a result of existing, everyone is magically entitled to a certain amount of prosperity, income and wealth. Unfortunately, this political Tooth Fairy approach seems to work well on the economically ignorant, which includes most people. After all, it sounds so nice—so caring and generous. What could possibly be destructive or malicious about giving everyone free stuff?

Hire a Professional, or Not?

You and I are constantly told we should “leave it to the professionals.” We are presumed too incompetent to do it ourselves and are told we need to pay someone to do it for us, so we don’t get hurt. Except… there is one profession that if we choose to hire a professional practitioner, we could be “arrested.” In this case, we are told we must only use amateurs and shouldn’t hire a professional.

Was Antebellum Slavery More Tolerable Than Soviet Communism?

Average slaves in America were ‘owned’ by people who could legally do just about anything they wanted to their slaves. However, since slaves were so costly, and their work depended greatly on how they were treated … slaves generally had plenty of leisure time, rare physical punishment, and various worldly pleasures at their disposal. Of course, this in no way justifies slavery, and there are plenty of stories of absolute brutality of some individuals.