“Me Too” is a Branch Issue, and a Distraction

My first reaction to this campaign was a bit of umbrage on the part of lumping the many degrees of sexual harassment in with the many degrees of sexual assault. They aren’t the same. I shared that first reaction on Facebook in a couple of places and got some interesting discussion going. But as I thought about it some more, I realized what was going on here.

Microsoft Corp. v. United States: Jeff Sessions Wants Open Borders, But Only for Police

In 2013, Microsoft refused to turn information from a customer’s email account over to law enforcement pursuant to a warrant in a narcotics investigation. The information, Microsoft noted, was stored on a server in Ireland. Ireland, as you may have learned in elementary school, is neither one of the fifty states nor a US territory.  It’s a sovereign state with its own laws. US search warrants carry no weight there.

They Might Rise Up and Resist

Are contemporary Americans the most cringing, servile, whipped-dog people in the history of the world? I’m not saying they are, yet the question naturally occurs to anyone who observes their capitulation, with scarcely a whimper, to the ever-increasing outrages of their cruel and stupid masters (whose tyranny they regularly validate by their votes).

Statist Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition of traumatic bonding in which a victim comes to empathize with an abuser so much that they will identify with and defend them. It is evident in many who consider themselves compassionate and patriotic, as evidenced by the following statist hogwash I recently saw going around social media.