Irrational and Negligent

What’s wrong with your intellectual opponents?  One of the most popular answers is that they’re “stupid and evil.”  Most of the thinkers I respect go out of their way to disavow this facile answer.  Indeed, most of the thinkers I respect go out of their way to praise their opponents’ intelligence and virtue.  They don’t merely opine, “We can disagree without being disagreeable.”  They put those who disagree with them on a pedestal. My respect notwithstanding, this seems odd.  If your opponents are so great, why are they still your opponents? 

“Avengers: Infinity War” Is A Cosmic Battle of Individualism vs. Collectivism

Thanos’ collectivism expresses itself in a backwards view of the world which many viewers may not immediately catch on to. Despite the film’s scenes on the devastated and once-populated Titan (which attempt to make Thanos’ mission seem sympathetic and reasonable) there are literally zero cases where eliminating half of a population by genocide improves productivity and wellbeing for the other half.

On Coming to Grips with the Nature of the State

That so many intellectuals talk about the state as if it were a sort of garden-party amusement, rather than the cold, merciless killing and plundering machine that it really is, now puzzles me. I don’t think the disconnect between the ivory-tower conceptions and the reality of the state springs so much from the philosophers and political scientists having prostituted themselves to the state as it springs from these thinkers’ not getting out more—or, barring actual first-hand involvement in the relevant realms, from their failure to learn more realistic history.

75 Times Around the Sun

Yesterday I observed the 25th Anniversary of my 50th birthday.  On the original occasion, I opined that, like Merle Haggard, I could say “my life’s been grand!”  I said at the time that I had lived a great half-century, therefore no matter what happened to me after that I could say that most of my life had been grand.  The facts of the matter are that the continuing quarter-century has been even grander.

Makes for Very Poor Relationships

I think one huge problem adults have with interacting with kids (teenagers especially) nowadays is that they try to make their relationship some idealized thing. They like to be active in the kids lives, show interest in them, have a certain degree of closeness, and actualize their investment into the relationship they have wanted. Often, the kids don’t want this.