Episode 079 – Unschooled Faber Brothers’ Journey (1h37m)

Episode 079 welcomes Justin and Joshua Faber to the podcast to chat with Skyler and Morgan. The Faber Brothers, and several other siblings, grew up as de facto unschoolers, without ever knowing that term. Topics include: their large family, their Facebook video series titled All This with Aldous created with Morgan, growing up unschooling, their experience learning to read, being free range on several acres of forest, going to high school and the surreality of schooling, why school is prison, the origins of their voluntaryist political beliefs, the US Constitution, and much, much more.

Homeschooling Can Be Tough Sometimes

In a span of 24 hours this week, I heard from two homeschooling moms threatening to send their kids to school. First, was a text with “I can’t do this!” Next, was a conversation with a mom who wants to send her child back to school and catch a break. Both moms were feeling frustrated, tired, and uncertain. Both were feeling that school would be easier, better; yet knowing deeply that isn’t true. Both were feeling what we all feel sometimes.

Episode 077 – Jordan’s Journey (1h11m)

Episode 077 welcomes Jordan Vaughn Neal to the podcast to chat with Skyler about his journey to voluntaryism. Topics include: golf, the anarchy in cooperative games, Facebook discussions/debates, being Canadian and dual citizenship, public school in Canada, his parents’ careers, moving to the United States, complete disinterest in high school, LDS mission to East Germany and the libertarian seeds that were planted, his passion for computer science and programming, a Society Security law firm job he held, Stefan Molyneux’ influence on his libertarianism and peaceful parenting, the War on Drugs, overcoming biases, subjective theory of value and economic thinking, and his wife and his commitment to radical unschooling.