Unlimited Government

Guest post by Robert LeFevre. Originally published in The Voluntaryist, April 1988. There are few men in this nation who would favor unlimited government. The mere thought of such a situation fills us all with dread. But scholars who have dealt with the problem of government long enough are beginning to wonder if the term “unlimited…

Karen De Coster

“Toward Freedom” is an Everything-Voluntary.com series sharing personal stories about the journey toward freedom. Archived stories can be found here. Submit your story to the editor. Originally published in I Chose Liberty: Autobiographies of Contemporary Libertarians. Typically, when I say I’m a praxeological austro-paleolibertarian, Rothbardian anarchocapitalist extremist, Hoppean propertarian, and politically incorrect canonist, people say…

Business Keeps Business Honest

Guest post by William Vandersteel. Originally published in The Voluntaryist, February 1985. We take it for granted that the ordinary business contract — perhaps the most vital element of modern commerce — would be completely ineffectual without the vigilance of our courts and legal system. But as George Gershwin once wrote, “It Ain’t Necessarily So.”…

The Johnson Dilemma

I’ve always been an open-minded guy. That’s how I discovered libertarianism during my very shameful, neoconservative past self. I have never been that offended or threatened over alternative viewpoints or what American society considers horrible. That strength was proven during the famous “Kony 2012” campaign. I remember very specifically people telling me that I didn’t…

Government in Violation of Antitrust Laws

Guest post by Chris Brown. Government antitrust laws have caused significant damage to consumers and businesses, all in the name of “consumer protection” and “promoting competition.” Unfortunately, government views on antitrust come from a fundamentally flawed understanding of economics – neoclassical economics, the view that is taught in most university economics courses today. In this…