Parent Partnership, Statism, Historical Indoctrination, & Socialism’s Appeal (30m) – Editor’s Break 069

Editor’s Break 069 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: being our child’s partner through difficult challenges, like getting pregnant at a young age; the undesirability, unnecessity, and avoidable nature of statism; how government schools indoctrinate, particularly through teaching history; the rhetorical appeal of socialism; and more.

Don’t Blame the Guns, Blame the Schools

Today’s public schools already share many characteristics with prisons, yet the ‘answer’ some folks are proposing to the (statistically negligible) threat of school shootings is to make schools even more like prisons. Schools are an artificial environment that (much like a prison) forces kids to join gangs or cliques in order to avoid rejection and outsider status. Those who don’t fit in are subject to ridicule, abuse, and even brutality in some cases.

Dawkins’ Religious Error

I know Dawkins is famous for his atheism, but you and I know he isn’t an atheist because he still believes in The State due to his superstitious belief in “authority”. You can’t be an atheist, by definition, if you believe in any gods whatsoever and believe in any religion. Statism is not only a religion, it’s the most popular religion on the planet by a wide margin.

Statism Freezes

I have some friends who want to march on Washington, DC, to express their preference that POTUS  loses his office.  We can get bogged down in narrow issues real quickly on that question.  Because POTUS himself blurs all criteria of whether he is doing a good job, where would one start to open the debate back to definition of a true set of parameters?

Hans-Hermann is Lying

Sorry Hans, but if you are advocating something which violates the ZAP, you are not a “real libertarian” by definition no matter what sort of name calling you engage in. No matter what you believe your “study” has shown you. If your advocated violation hinges on allowing (employees of) the State to violate the ZAP then you are lying and advocating statism.