On Prejudice

On a fundamental level, prejudice means “to form prior judgment” and we are all prejudice toward some things. I have already formed the judgment that tigers are dangerous prior to meeting one along my jungle path, for example. When our prior judgments concern other people based on the color of their skin, this is called “racial prejudice” and is generally frowned upon within the society that currently occupies the same continent as myself.

Foreign Policy III: AnCapistan

In my first article on foreign policy, I discussed normative foreign policy in the context of the United States Constitution. In the second article, I focused on a specific aspect of foreign policy when I posited that the United States should diplomatically recognize Liberland. In this article, I discuss “foreign policy” in a stateless society: “AnCapistan,” if you will.

Colonialism, Confirmation Imperative, Baby Steps, Egalitarianism, & Immigrants II (32m) – Editor’s Break 113

Editor’s Break 113 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the identical and nefarious motivations of colonialism and statism; upgrading confirmation bias to confirmation imperative; the virtue of baby steps toward reducing coercion in society; why humans are naturally egalitarian, how far that goes, and why it’s disastrous as public policy; the voluntaryist solutions to the public benefits to immigrants problem; and more.