Was Antebellum Slavery More Tolerable Than Soviet Communism?

Average slaves in America were ‘owned’ by people who could legally do just about anything they wanted to their slaves. However, since slaves were so costly, and their work depended greatly on how they were treated … slaves generally had plenty of leisure time, rare physical punishment, and various worldly pleasures at their disposal. Of course, this in no way justifies slavery, and there are plenty of stories of absolute brutality of some individuals.

Must My Kids Play with Your Kids, Just Cause?

I want my kids to learn that if they want someone’s time and attention, they need to earn. It’s not owed to them. Even as their parent I don’t believe I owe them time and attention. I choose, happily, to give it. Most of the time. Some of the time they’re super annoying and I walk away. When they get upset, I tell them openly and honestly how I’m feeling and why I’m leaving. I don’t shame them. That’s stupid, too. But I don’t hide the fact that I’m feeling annoyed by their behavior, and if they want me to stay, they should take a breather and consider changing it.