Government Should Be a Servant

Government is simply people coming together, under unanimously consensual rules, to get things done. It is never mandatory. Government, if done right, might even help protect the life, liberty, and property of the individuals who voluntarily join together. The state, on the other hand, is always anti-social; the more powerful it becomes, the weaker society gets.

Boys Will Be Boys

We anarchists tend to think that government itself is bad, that a plethora of bureaucrats are bad, that politicians are creeps — and so they are.  But the worst part of any human endeavor are those who cannot follow objective, natural rules of not invading the lives of others, in narcissistically treating any circumstance as their Xanadu.

On Government Murder

R. J. Rummel estimated that the institution of government killed just over a quarter billion people last century. What is the institution of government? It’s the group of people in society who believe, without evidence, that they have the authority to impose their rules onto peaceful people.