Why Policymaking Won’t Work for Complex Societies (and Why Principles Will) – Part 1

You are not an expert. Even the experts know they are not experts. They will spend their entire lives just grappling with one sub-facet of one of these facets, and their work still won’t be done. To claim to empirically know how to ensure the best outcome for everyone in any issue is folly. Policymaking (the practical utilitarianism used in most political thinking) is an unscalable way to make decisions.

Where’s the Forced Integration?

When I moved to Mexico a couple years ago, the Mexicans were in no way forced to integrate with me. They were free to deal with me or decline to deal with me. I am not aware of any who found my presence so objectionable that they wanted nothing to do with me, but well aware of many who have received me graciously and shown me all sorts of kindness.

This Town Wants to Rob Disadvantaged Students to Build a School for the Rich

Every time I see a new government school under construction, it reminds me of the significant burden local taxpayers bear to pay for that coercive new institution. In the town of Brookline, Massachusetts, an affluent community adjacent to Boston, this form of government coercion has reached new heights. Last week, town officials contacted the president of a private college there to say that they were planning to take seven acres of college land by eminent domain to build a new public elementary school.

Statist Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition of traumatic bonding in which a victim comes to empathize with an abuser so much that they will identify with and defend them. It is evident in many who consider themselves compassionate and patriotic, as evidenced by the following statist hogwash I recently saw going around social media.