Property Rights Preserved–Accidentally

One day, a gravel truck and front-loader (is that what they are called?) rumbled down my driveway and into the river, and started loading up on gravel. I didn’t own the riverbed, so I didn’t get too bent out of shape over it. It was pretty noisy, though, and my wife-at-the-time did medical transcription from home and was having a hard time hearing the dictation through the earbuds over all the noise. Plus, the gravel truck began tearing up my driveway.

Self-Governance, Rationality, and Secession

Contemplation is a form of internal emigration or mental secession, and every contemplative knows how valuable it can be for the life of the mind. Libertarian secession – a striving for full sovereignty over one’s private property and the physical space delimited by it – is a natural extension of the contemplative impulse from the realm of pure throught to the realm of action.