5 Tips to be Effective in Court

Getting traffic tickets sucks and defending yourself in court is a daunting task, but can be well worth the effort.  You can be held in contempt for asking a question and let’s face it, traffic courts are run by criminals who are not interested in being fair.  But, despite that, we still get tickets thrown out.  Below are five proven tips to help you be more effective in court. 

Proglodytes and Conservatrolls

That’s what I see all around me when I look at how people interact with each other. Of course, the simpler name for proglodytes and conservatrolls would be “statists”, but that just leaves them staring at you with no comprehension in their dull eyes. Most don’t understand that word any better than they’d understand the more fun descriptive terms.

“Not All Cops…”

Some police are racists. Some police aren’t. Some police like to bully. Maybe some don’t. Some police rape. Some police don’t. Some police are looking for opportunities to shoot people. Some police aren’t. For any individual belief, some police hold it, and some don’t. For any individual action, some police take part and some don’t.…

3D-Printed Guns Might Actually Help

As long as government employees are armed, guns will be in the wrong hands; an angle that isn’t even seen as an issue by those most adamant about disarming the rest of us. Tell that to the homeowner killed by the responding police officer in Aurora, Colorado last week. If he had survived the encounter he might disagree.

Radicalism Without Revolution

“Radical” is a scary word, but radicals are (fundamentally) just very consistent people. If they believe in a principle, they believe that it applies to the very root (“radix” – a Latin term) of things. If they believe in non-aggression as a social norm, for instance, they think the value of non-aggression holds true for everyone – including the police officers and bureaucrats and military members whom we normally excuse from this rule.