Falsifying Liberty

I believe liberty to be worthwhile, to say the least. I also believe it is objectively superior to any alternative. This means I should try to falsify this hypothesis to myself. If I can’t think of ways which– if they held up– would prove my belief is based on a falsehood if it is, my belief is worthless.

Don’t Put Too Much Faith in the Experts

Between 2 million and 3 million Americans will die! That was the prediction from “experts” at London’s Imperial College when COVID-19 began. They did also say if there was “social distancing of the whole population,” the death toll could be cut in half, but 1.1 million to 1.46 million Americans would still die by this summer. Our actual death toll has been about one-tenth of that.

Private Censorship, Bootlickers, Forcing Dishonesty, & Free Country (21m) – Episode 327

Episode 327 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: attacking social media censorship on intellectual property protection grounds; repeating the state’s demands is it’s own form of bootlicking; forcing your children to offer an insincere apology is teaching them to lie; do we live in a free county of public discourse is dominated by politics?; and more.