Does This Seem Right to You?

I don’t know if she did what she is charged with doing. It seems completely out of character, based on what I know of her due to a friendship that has lasted 17+ years so far. And, it is completely irrelevant to my current objections, anyway. If she did what they claim, she owes someone restitution, and that “someone” isn’t the State. The State’s injustice system doesn’t even have justice on the radar but seeks only to punish.

Lessons from Building Praxis – Part 5

I had a lot to do, much of it outside my ability, much of it costly, and I had a few grand I could put on my personal credit card and that was it. The idea for Praxis wasn’t fundable yet, and I didn’t even know what the letters “VC” meant anyway, let alone how to go raise. But I didn’t need any of that because I had something far more valuable.  I had dozens of accounts with positive balances of social capital, and it was time to cash them in.

Lessons from Building Praxis – Part 4

Ever heard that riddle about whether you should take a million dollars or a penny, doubled each day for a month?  Take the penny.  You’ll end up with $1.3M if it’s a 28-day month, and as much as $10.7M if it’s a 31-day month. Doubling is extreme, but even growth of a fraction of a percent compounded every single day can achieve mind-boggling results.  When you’re trying to go from idea to inception, progress each day is crucial.  You can’t get stuck waiting for one big leap.  You need to take at least one step every single day.

Chafing Against the Law

This singular pursuit has been my solitary area of participation in the political process. I’ve given Libertas my hard earned money in the past because of the success I have seen from their efforts. Unfortunately, the parasites and predators that are government actors have continued to push back against these successes, unsurprisingly.