Armed and Dangerous

I support the right of every human to own and to carry a gun. Period. That doesn’t mean I trust every armed person. There are some people who simply cannot be trusted with guns, even though they have the right to own and carry them and no one has the right to forbid it. Those are separate issues.

The Voluntarist Messaging Problem

Why do we voluntarists struggle to convince people of the fruits of our vision?  Why do people look at us as crazy when we say we don’t need a government to do anything?  Is it because kids have been indoctrinated in government schools for generations?  Perhaps, but I don’t think this is the majority or even a large minority of the cause.

More Korean War is “Worth it?” To Whom?

The last period of open war on the Korean peninsula cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 million lives, including nearly a million soldiers on both sides (36,516 of them American) and 2.5 million civilians in the North and South. What did the American taxpayer get in return for three years of fighting, tens of thousands of Americans dead, and nearly $700 billion (in 2008 dollars)?