Authorities They Are Not

Political discourse is an open-access activity. Anyone can have a say. Among those whose opinions and allegations receive the most notice are celebrities — especially entertainers, actors, TV news figure and pundits, athletes, and people who are famous only for being famous — and politicians. The prominent attention that these persons’ statements garner is unfortunate, to say the least.

Polite Pirates

A: “Greetings. How are you this fine evening?” B: “Well, I was good. Who are you, and why are you pointing a gun at me?” A: “I’m your friendly neighborhood car-jacker, and I will be robbing you tonight.” B: “Is this a joke?” A: “Oh, I assure you this is no joke. I’m a respectable…


The paradigm has to be changed.  But we must avoid the old siren song of central planning.  We have had enough of trying to control from where maturity and brightness come.  We only know that it doesn’t automatically come from old white guys with too much schooling and/or too much money.