Fake News II

It is an irony that a man, a man without a lot of substance, a man made by the media, is now POTUS.  It is a further irony that we are at this pass because the media manipulated the man, while the man manipulated the media.  Both sets of manipulation continue.

New Haven Overdoses: It’s Time for Indictments

Together, Dhillon and Gottlieb oversee the “scheduling” of drugs under federal law. And, like their predecessors, they have conspired to create a market for “synthetic marijuana” by putting REAL marijuana on Schedule I, fraudulently claiming that it has a “high potential for abuse,” “no currently acceptable medial use,” and a “lack of accepted safety.”

Fake News

POTUS likes to take credit for things that are going to happen anyway.  Thus it is with “fake news.”  Fake news is really incompetent news.  And incompetent news has been around for a long time, as it will be as long as there is news.

The Voluntaryist Premise

Once a person adopts the label of voluntaryist (or the like) for their political identity, they assume, with good reason, the following premise: human suffering is terrible and should be prevented; aggression and coercion necessarily create human suffering. This premise leads the voluntaryist to hold a number of hypotheses with varying degrees of accuracy in some form or fashion within their minds at all times. Here are several of those hypotheses.

I Didn’t Join Facebook to “Feel Safe”

The apparent end game: Turning the Internet into the same bland, homogeneous goop we got from network TV circa the 1950s — content without any rough edges that might spook advertisers. And they’re using pretty much the same justifications as movie and TV studios did with that era’s McCarthyist “blacklists.” To paraphrase Henry Ford, you can have any color Internet you want, so long as it’s beige.